Me Too In The Media
I wanted to analyze how the #MeToo movement has been written about in popular mass media from the beginning of the movement to it’s current developments. With the politicization of the movement over the past year and a half, I also wanted to look at how the reporting was different in print media typically viewed as liberal, moderate, and conservative. I found that reporting on the movement has changed significantly since the beginning of the #MeToo movement in October, 2017. The Women’s Media Center published a report in the end of 2018 detailing the beginning of the #MeToo movement with the publication of the allegations against Harvey Weinstein by Ashley Judd and how the movement has been reported in the media over the past year and a half. This report highlights how the conversation surrounding sexual assault and violence against women has changed since the emergence of this movement. This report, and my own analysis of articles written since the beginning of this movement, shows that there has been significant change in the kind of language and reporting used to talk about violence against women. Click Here to Explore